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Leisure & Adventure Group Travel


"The views of the mountains put me right at peace."

Leisure & Adventure Group Travel


The times they are a changing — and your fun meter needs to be pumped up! A place where fun, adventure, family & friends connect, or even a casual business retreat revitalizes new directions and meaning. At Smugglers' Notch we listen to what it takes to rev up your groups fun meter and we deliver the right mix of activities, entertainment, events, and "over the top fun" you and your group needs from each vacation experience. At Smuggs — we're the resort that offers your group more for less — guaranteed!

Your group is special at Smuggs!

There are too many good reasons why your next group vacation needs to be planned at our mountainside retreat. Here at Smugglers' Notch Resort we take the time to make sure that every group has exactly what they need, when they need it, every time with a satisfaction guarantee that will keep your group members excited to return year after year. Let us know what you and your group want out of a Smuggs vacation and we'll start mapping out a vacation plan that is second to none.

A Smuggs vacation has it all!

Beyond our spacious mountainside lodging and panoramic scenic views, you'll find our resort has more to offer than any other destination you could choose from. Our staff is ready to accommodate your needs with customized group itineraries filled with everything from delicious meals, catered parties, indoor and outdoor activities, along with on-mountain events, pools, hot tubs, and much more in a place where everyone can do what they want—when they want to do it.

Check us out—before you check your group in.

We realize organizing group travel can be fun & rewarding for our friends who make every trip and everyone's dream come true when the group finally arrives the resort. Our vacation coordinators also want to make sure that if you are interested, we can provide a weekend getaway for you to review the resort and meet with your representative to answer any questions you may have regarding trip details. Contact your vacation coordinator to make a reservation for a site inspection today.


Let your fun meter spin out of control knowing that we guarantee fun here at Smuggs. Our goal is to make sure that everyone on your group trip experiences more than they ever expected and receives the vacation of a lifetime. Since every detail will be planned prior to arrival, there's plenty of time for every member of your group to do what they want when they want to do it! Plus—we guarantee with all of the amenities we have on site including the FunZone, teen centers, pools, hot tubs, shopping, restaurants, lounges with nightly entertainment, along with selecting your own private gathering to bring your group together will be all fun—all the time.
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