1. Fall
  2. Summer
  3. Spring
  4. Winter

RCI Points Incentives

As our thank you for enrolling in the RCI Points programs, you may choose one of the following special gifts. This Special Gift Offer is limited to the first 200 Owners to enroll. Please note however, we will waive the limitation for all applications postmarked or submitted online by June 15, 2009.

Please note: These special gifts are available for the first 200 owners to enroll.

For details on how all this works call 1-800-292-2386 or email us at pointsfeedback@smuggs.com

#1 Resort for Families - SKI Magazine Reader Survey 2024

Special Enrollment Gifts...limited to the first 200 Enrollments

Choose one of these options as our thank you when you enroll

Contact Owner Services 1-800-354-7884
Send us an email ownersrv@smuggs.com.
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