1. Fall
  2. Summer
  3. Spring
  4. Winter

Pass & Badge Benefits


The granddaddy of all family resorts MSNBC.com

Skier in powder

Pass & Badge Benefits

Get the most out of your season at Smuggs!

Pass & Badge Holders enjoy these additional benefits:

Cross-Country & SnowshoeTrails* ✔ Included
2-hour group lesson Ski or Snowboard. 25% off
All-day Children's Camp (3-15 yrs)
Ski or Snowboard.
25% off
3 Mountain Outfitter purchases Excludes sale items 15% off
3 Mountain Equipment purchases Excludes sale items 15% off
Daily Equipment Rentals
Alpine, Cross-Country, Snowshoe, Ice Skates, & Clothing
15% off
Ski & Snowboard Equipment Demos 15% off

*Included with purchased Alpine Bash Badge or Bash Badge Plus ticket. 50% off without purchased alpine ticket.

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