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RCI Points Survey Results


#1 Resort for Families - SKI Magazine Reader Survey 2024

Club Owner RCI Points Survey Results

Dear Homeowner,

The purpose of this correspondence is to give all Owners the results and the next steps planned by Smugglers’. We appreciate all input in determining whether RCI Points is a viable product for Smugglers’ Owners.

Next Step Opinion Here

Owner Scores:H=High Value M=Moderate Value L=Low Value

How valuable would it be to be able to break a week into shorter vacations at Smugglers? (H) 31%, (M) 20%, ( L) 49%

How valuable would it be to be able to break a week into shorter vacations at other resorts? (H) 48%, (M) 21%, ( L) 31%

How valuable would it be to be able to trade any unused week for car rental, airline tickets, hotel rooms? (H) 61%, (M) 17%, ( L) 22%

How valuable would it be to receive instant confirmation or denial of a trade up to 10 months in advance rather than waiting for a search? (H) 79%, (M) 13%, ( L) 8%

How valuable would it be to have trading power remaining in a week if you trade out to a smaller home? (H) 65%, (M) 21%, ( L) 14%

How valuable would it be to be able to acquire the right to trade into a larger home at a reasonable rate on an as needed basis? (H) 63%, (M) 18%, ( L) 19%

How valuable would it be to be able to make exchanges for a full week within six weeks of travel date while using only a fraction of the value of your week?
(H) 70%, (M) 17%, ( L) 13%

How valuable would it be to know the exact trading power of your ownership and the exact requirements to trade into other resorts? (H) 86%, (M) 9%, ( L) 5%

The following are major and most frequent concerns expressed in comments from the survey.
Our responses to these concerns are “as if” we decide to offer Points. A decision that has not been made.

Q: “I understand in Points systems you no longer own the right to use your own home or week.”
A: This is absolutely NOT correct. Many resorts do sell Points as part of a “flex” program with no specific home or week promised. Smugglers’ owners who decide to become Points owners will retain the right to use their specific week and home as stated in their deed.

Q: “Trading back into Smugglers’ will be even more difficult”.
A: Trading into Smugglers’ is completely dependent upon the number of owners who decide to trade out. This will not change in a Points system. However, it MAY turn out that Smugglers’ Points owners will more easily trade in than Weeks owners as RCI will give them first access to Points homes traded out. Points owners are not given priority to Weeks homes traded out.

Q: “I understand Points owners will have access to many more resorts”
A: This is true. About 700 more.

Q: “ I understand in the Points system Owners have to let RCI know that they want to use their home 13 months in advance or they will loose the use of the home for that year. In the Weeks system you only have to let RCI know if you are not going to use the home.”
A: This is correct and is the reason that owners trading into other resorts will be able to receive an instant confirmation within 10 months of travel. Smugglers’ Points owners TRADING back to Smugglers’ have priority over Points owners from other resorts 11 months ahead of their travel date. Smugglers’ would establish a frequent reminder system for owners to assure they communicate their wish to RCI to use their home in a timely fashion.

Q: “ I am perfectly happy with the RCI Weeks system. Why should I change?
A: You shouldn’t!

Q: “I will only consider points if I do not have to pay anything.”
A: There will be a one-time lifetime service fee that will defray Smugglers’ costs of maintaining two systems over the life of your ownership. Since adopting the Point system would be OPTIONAL Owners can stay with Weeks and there will be no one-time service fee for those Owners.

RCI Points Overview
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