A Winter Weather Warning starts tonight and goes through tomorrow. We could see up to 9 inches of new snow tonight. Tomorrow’s forecast calls for periods of snow, with another 1 to 2 inches of accumulation possible, with a high of 23 degrees at the base and 17 degrees at higher elevations. We plan to have Sterling Lift, Village Lift, Mogul Mouse’s Magic Lift, and Sir Henry’s Glider all operating tomorrow. We have 28 trails open with terrain for all ability levels. More trails may open throughout the day. Surface conditions are packed powder and machine groomed with average base depths of 10 to 40 inches. 11 trails will be groomed for tomorrow, including Lower Morse Liftline and Smugglers’ Alley, for a total of 65 acres of freshly groomed terrain. We are presently making snow on Lower Chilcoot and Mulcahy’s Link. Currently, it is cloudy and 6 degrees at the summit of Sterling with winds of 5 to 10 mph.

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