Tonight’s forecast is calling for periods of snow with 3 to 7 inches of accumulation possible. We received 4 inches of new snow in the past 24 hours and 27 inches in the past week. The conditions are already fantastic and tonight’s snow will make it even better! I had a blast today poking around looking for fresh turns as the patrollers kept dropping ropes. I’m looking forward to making more fresh turns tomorrow. We now have 24 trails open with terrain for experts and intermediates. The Sterling Lift will be operating tomorrow. Surface conditions are packed powder and powder with average base depths of 10 to 40 inches. Lower Exhibition, Treasure Run, Lower Rumrunner, Crossover, and Upper Rumrunner will be groomed for tomorrow. We are presently making snow on Sir Henry’s, Lower Morse Liftline, Magic Learning Trail, and Howie’s Wanderer. Currently it is cloudy and 15 degrees at the summit of Sterling. Tomorrow’s forecast is calling for periods of snow 1 to 3 inches of accumulation possible with a high of 27 degrees at higher elevations and 32 degrees at the base.

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