We received 5 inches of new snow in the past 24 hours and we are making snow on Morse Mountain. We guns running on Sir Henry’s, Lower Morse Liftline, Howie’s Wanderer, and the Magic Learning Trail. It was a great day on the slopes. I was lucky enough to catch the opening of Bootleggers from the top this morning. I would like to thank patrollers Ryan and Lou for their rope dropping skills. It was my favorite run of the day. Tomorrow we plan to have the Sterling Lift operating. We now have 24 trails open with terrain for experts and intermediates. We plan to have beginner terrain open this weekend. Smugglers’ Alley, Lower Exhibition, Crossover, Lower Rumrunner, Treasure Run, and Upper Rumrunner will be groomed for tomorrow, for a total of 30 acres of freshly groomed terrain. Surface conditions are packed powder and variable with average base depths of 10 to 40 inches. Currently, it is 13 degrees at the summit of Sterling with light snow. Tomorrow’s forecast is calling for partly sunny skies with a high of 20 degrees at the base and 13 degrees at higher elevations.

Patroller Lou enjoying the fresh snow on Bootlegger
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