Rockin’ Ron for “Birthday Boy” Hugh. Today was a Foggy Day in Smugglers’ Town, but that didn’t deter anyone. I skied with my friend and fellow Smuggler Marcus Mudget, who worked at Smuggs from 2000-2014, with a big chunk of that time as Snow Sport University’s Maintenance Manager (he also played Silver Long Johns in a Friendly Pirate Show). His wife Tammy also worked here as the White Room Coordinator. He hasn’t been on skis since he left here 10 years ago, but you wouldn’t know that from how he confidently cruised down the slopes. We took runs on all 3 mountains. His trail pick was Lower Rumrunner, while mine was Lower FIS. Great to ski with you, MARCUS! You know what they say? Once a Smuggler… always a Smuggler.
For Tuesday, we plan to have top-to-bottom skiing and riding on all 3 mountains with 6 lifts operating, including Madonna I. 31 trails will be groomed, including Upper F.I.S. and Smugglers’ Alley. Bring your waterproof gear, there’s a chance of rain (or clear snow as we say in the Snow Report Biz). Ski U later.

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