We received an inch of new snow overnight. Today, we have top-to-bottom skiing and riding on all 3 mountains with 6 lifts operating, including the Madonna I Lift. We have 41 trails open with terrain for all ability levels. 32 trails have been groomed for today, including Drifter, Upper FIS, Smugglers’ Alley, Thomke’s, Snow Snake, and Hibernator, for a total of 130 acres of freshly groomed terrain. Surface conditions are machine groomed and loose granular with average base depths of 12 to 40 inches. I skied Upper Drifter and our groomers did a wonderful job! An inch of new snow on top of the corduroy was very enjoyable. I also skied Shuttle, which was groomed the night before last and it was still very smooth. Currently, it is partly cloudy and 28 degrees at the summit of Sterling with winds of 5 to 10 mph. Today’s forecast calls for a chance of flurries early, then skies becoming partly sunny, with a high of 36 degrees at the base and 29 degrees at higher elevations. Birch Run Terrain Park is open with 8 features and was groomed last night.

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