Currently, it is partly sunny and 28 degrees with winds of 0 to 5 mph. Today’s forecast is calling for partly cloudy skies with a high of 36 degrees at the base and 29 degrees at the summits. We have top-to-bottom skiing and riding on all 3 mountains with all 8 lifts operating. We have 76 out of 78 trails open with terrain for all ability levels. 38 trails have been groomed for today, including Drifter, Smugglers’ Alley, and Log Jam for a grand total of 143 acres of freshly groomed terrain. Surface conditions are packed powder and machine groomed with average base depths of 16 to 40 inches. The Birch Run, Log Jam, and Knight’s Revenge Terrain Parks are all open.
The Nordic Center is open with 17 km of cross-country trails and 15 km of snowshoeing. The ice rink is also open.
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