I had a blast today. I went skiing in the morning on Sterling, snowboarding midday on Morse, and then back to skiing on Sterling again in the afternoon. I would have to say that my trail pick of the day was Full Nelson. The skier’s right-hand side was pretty amazing! Tomorrow, we plan to have Sterling Lift, Sir Henry’s Glider, and Mogul Mouse’s Magic Lift open to the summit. We now have 27 trails open with terrain for all ability levels. Today, we made snow on Lower Morse Liftline, Garden Path, Sam’s Run, Midway, and Meadowlark. 11 trails will be groomed for tomorrow, including Smugglers’ Alley and Black Snake, for a total of 45 acres of freshly groomed terrain. Surface conditions are packed powder and machine groomed with average base depths of 14 to 40 inches. Currently, it is cloudy and 20 degrees at the summit of Sterling. Tomorrow’s forecast is calling for partly sunny skies with a high of 40 degrees.

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