All lifts will have a delayed opening this morning due to grooming. We plan to have the Sterling Lift opening at 9 am. We plan to have Sir Henry’s Glider and Mogul Mouse’s Magic Lift to mid-station opening at 9:30 am. We plan to have the Village Lift, Morse Highlands Lift, and Mogul Mouse’s Magic Lift open to the top at 10 am. The Madonna II Lift will open at 10 am or later. The Madonna I Lift will be closed for the day. We received 1 to 2 inches of new snow overnight. Currently, it is partly cloudy and 0 degrees at the summit of Sterling. Today’s forecast calls for partly sunny skies, breezy, with a high of 14 degrees at the base and 6 degrees at higher elevations. We plan to have 28 trails open. All 28 trails will be groomed for today; that’s a total of 119 acres of freshly groomed terrain. Surface conditions are machine groomed and loose granular with average base depths of 8 to 36 inches. We plan to resume snowmaking operations tonight on Morse Mountain.

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