We could see 1 to 3 inches of new snow overnight. Freefall opened from the top today, and I had to ski it. I could see a sweet drift at the top of Freefall from the Madonna I Lift as I rode past. The drift was on skier’s left, and it was a beautiful spine. I was just jumping from one side of the drift to the other over the spine. Freefall stayed open from the top for most of the day but is now open from the traverse on Upper FIS. The 21 inches of new snow that we have received in the past 5 days has made for some great skiing and riding. Tomorrow, we plan to have top-to-bottom skiing and riding on all 3 mountains with all 8 lifts operating. We have 75 trails open with terrain for all ability levels. 34 trails will be groomed for tomorrow, including Upper FIS, Thomke’s, Snow Snake, Ruthie’s, Garden Path, and Snake Bite, for a total of 137 acres of freshly groomed terrain. Surface conditions are packed powder and powder with average base depths of 14 to 40 inches. Birch Run and Knight’s Revenge Terrain Park are both open. Currently, it is cloudy and 15 degrees at the summit of Sterling with winds of 10 to 20 mph. Tomorrow’s forecast is calling for a chance of flurries early, then skies becoming sunny with a high of 14 degrees at the base and 5 degrees at higher elevations. Bundle up and enjoy the wonderful conditions!

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