Today from 12:30 pm till 3:30 pm in the Village.
Come meet Dasher & Cupid from the Vermont Reindeer Farm before they trek to the North Pole to help Santa! The Vermont Reindeer Farm will be bringing Cupid and Dasher to Smuggs. The reindeer live on the Broe Family Farm in West Charleston, Vermont. They built the farm on Broe land that has been in the family for 5 generations! Pauline Broe says the best part is seeing people’s faces when they realize that reindeer are real. To youngsters, she explains, “These are Santa’s reindeer. It’s our job to take care of the reindeer for Santa. We call ourselves the reindeer-keepers.” Among the information they share is that reindeer are a distinct subspecies of caribou and that both males and females have antlers, which they lose and regrow on an annual cycle.

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